
File permission error word 2007
File permission error word 2007

The issue I am having is that when I try and modify the table style ~ there is no option to change or set the Language. also, English (U.S.) is not even an additional language in any of the Word Options Keyboard Options Computer options anywhere on my machine. Whenever I insert a table (from the insert tab) the default language for the table is set to English (U.S.) ~ however my default language is English (U.K.) - and this is correctly set everywhere. So, I am having a problem with Word 2010.

file permission error word 2007

Click the Organizer button at the bottom of the Templates and Add-ins dialog box to start the Organizer utility. If the macro is not in the template, you may need to copy the macro from one template to another. In the Templates and Add-ins dialog box, click either Attach or Add. At the bottom of the Add-Ins pane, select Templates from the Manage drop down list, and then click Go. If the macro is not accessible because the template is not loaded, click the File tab, click Options, and then click Add-Ins. NOTE: Be sure to change this option back to its original setting after you have run the macro. You can then temporarily enable all macros by using the following procedure. If the macro security settings are not allowing the macro to run, you should confirm the origin of the macro to be sure that it can be trusted (contact the developer or the source for the macro). The macro cannot be found or has been disabled because of your Macro security settings.

File permission error word 2007 how to#

Does anyone know how to determine WHICH macro it's complaining about? That might help me recover/replace it. I've searched various forums, help files, tried all kinds of things (including reducing security levels) with no luck. I've been receiving the following message for some time. Word Cannot Complete The Save Due To A File Permission Error

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    File permission error word 2007